Comments on Chapter 2
The Elements of Style


1. Comment by Huong Nguyen (Hanoi, Viet Nam) — July 17,2007

Dear Sir:
We are a group of tango lovers in Hanoi, Vietnam. We are planning to build a website under the name of This is aimed to be a non-profit website where tango lovers can find the most up-to-date information about tango, learn more about the origin and the art of tango, and get to know more tango people around the country and the world.

We have spent hours reading your articles on and think it would be great if we can translate your entries into Vietnamese and share them with more people in our country. Therefore, I'm writing this email asking you for the permission to translate the contents of tangoandchaos into Vietnamese and post them on our website, which is under construction. If you want further information as to the contents and structures of our website, I can easily send you a sketch. We do hope to get your permission to translate the contents of tangoandchaos. Look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,
Huong Nguyen
Nguyen Le Huong
Lecturer - College of foreign languages - VNU


I'm very happy that you are enjoying the website! Of course you have my permission to translate the site and use the material. Pages from the site have already been translated into several other languages, so it will be nice to have them in Vietnamese as well. Alejandra and I are glad we can share our love of tango with you and your friends in Vietnam.
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